Does Soy Really Cause Cancer?
Does Soy Really Cause Cancer? “I avoid soy products because I heard somewhere that they can give you cancer“. This is a very common concern we hear from clients, but is it true? Soy products include foods such as soy milk, tofu, tempeh, and soybeans (otherwise known as edamame). They are an excellent source of […]
The Lowdown on the Low FODMAP Diet
The Lowdown on the Low FODMAP Diet The low FODMAP diet has been getting a lot of attention these days, but don’t worry – it’s not just another fad diet! The low FODMAP diet was created by Monash University, and has been shown to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS […]
How to Break Up with Diet Culture in 2020
How to Break Up with Diet Culture in 2020 Updated: Dec 28, 2019 The new year is coming, and with it often comes New Year’s resolutions. Many people will make their New Year’s resolutions about changing their body shape or size. These types of resolutions can lead to weight cycling, yo-yo dieting, disordered eating, and overall […]
Immunity 101: Tips for Staying Healthy
Immunity 101: Tips for Staying Healthy For up to date information on COVID-19: The world is currently experiencing unprecedented times. You may be wondering how to optimize your health and immune system to minimize your risk of becoming sick, as well as prevent others from getting sick. The best way to beat this virus is […]
Are Juice Cleanses Healthy?
Are Juice Cleanses Healthy? Updated: Mar 26, 2020 With its promises of weight loss and body detoxification, juice cleansing has taken today’s health, wellness, and diet industries by storm. Many people even claim the trend can improve chronic diseases or prevent illnesses. The process is simple: consume nothing but fruit and/or vegetable juice for the duration […]
How to Grocery Shop During a Pandemic
How to Grocery Shop During a Pandemic Although toilet paper appears to be at the forefront of many people’s minds, we are here to help you shop for groceries during a pandemic! First of all, it is normal for your lifestyle to be different during this uncertain time. Be gentle with yourself if you have […]
Is Dairy Bad for You?
Is Dairy Bad for You? There are many people who avoid dairy for a variety of reasons, such as food sensitivity or concerns about animal welfare or the environment. However, there are many people avoiding dairy due to the belief that dairy is bad for you. Let’s take a look at the nutritional and health […]
The Truth About GMOs
The Truth About GMOs by Derek Brigham and Yolanda Nuanyan Wang What comes to your mind when you hear that a certain food is Genetically Modified? Perhaps you feel uneasy, uncertain, or maybe you look for that non-GMO label. But do you know what genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are exactly? To answer this question, let’s […]
Superfoods? Or Super Marketing?
Superfoods? Or Super Marketing? As you may have noticed, “superfoods” have flooded our timelines and have been popularized in the media over the last few years. These buzzwords are eye-catching and are an appealing consideration for people who want to improve their health. So, what is the deal with these claimed superfoods and is their […]
Why Protein Is Important
Why Protein Is Important You may have heard the saying “Proteins are the building blocks of life”, but what does this mean? Well, when you think about what the human body comprises: tissues, organs, muscles, skin… this is all made from protein! What is Protein? Protein is one of the three macronutrients that give the […]
Should You Limit Your Daily Salt Intake?
Should You Limit Your Daily Salt Intake? Sodium chloride, also known as salt, occurs naturally in food and is often added to enhance flavour, but too much can harm the body. The body needs sodium in small amounts to conduct nerve impulses, maintain the right balance between minerals and water, and contract and relax muscles. […]
What to Eat Before the Vancouver Sun Run (and your training runs too!)
What to Eat Before the Vancouver Sun Run (and your training runs too!) As many runners know, nutrition plays a critical role in your athletic performance; you just can’t out-train a bad diet! Optimizing your nutrition before the Vancouver Sun Run can prevent fatigue, help you run longer and more intensely, and make your runs […]
Fueling for the Vancouver Sun Run: The Crucial Role of Iron for Runners
Fueling for the Vancouver Sun Run: The Crucial Role of Iron for Runners After the first two instalments in this blog series, readers can understand the importance of a well-balanced diet to fuel your performance for the Vancouver Sun Run. In addition, iron is an essential micronutrient that plays a pivotal role in ensuring optimal […]
Calcium: An Essential Nutrient for Training for the Vancouver Sun Run
Calcium: An Essential Nutrient for Training for the Vancouver Sun Run After the first three installments in this blog series, readers know about the importance of a well-balanced diet and adequate iron to fuel your performance for the Vancouver Sun Run. In this fourth and final installment, we’ll delve into why calcium is indispensable for […]
The Gut-Brain Axis: It Might be Stress Causing Your Tummy Troubles
The Gut-Brain Axis: It Might be Stress Causing Your Tummy Troubles For many people with digestive troubles like bloating and abdominal discomfort, making some easy changes to their diet can make all the difference. However, some people may find that making dietary changes has not made a 100% improvement in their digestive symptoms. If you […]
Orange Creamsicle Smoothie
Orange Creamsicle Smoothie Who else loves creamsicle popsicles?! We decided to take this delicious sweat treat and try to replicate it in a smoothie and we think we got pretty darn close. This is definitely going to be our go-to smoothie moving forward cause it really is just so delicious. This smoothie is extra creamy […]